Saturday, November 28, 2009

Last semester meeting 12/2

Our final meeting of the semester will take place this Wednesday, December 2, from 3:00-4:30 in the BCNM Commons. Dilan Mahendran has graciously agreed to discuss his dissertation work on race and computation. He is a Ph.D. student at UC Berkeley's School of Information and a BCNM DE student. His academic areas of interest lie in Race Critical Theory, Postcolonial Studies, Philosophy of Technology, Philosophical Anthropology, and Phenomenology. He is also interested in the methodological problems of positivism and naturalism in technology studies and issues of constructivism in the social study of science and technology.

Please see for readings. We'll read Dilan's dissertation abstract, sections 1-6 of Edmund Husserl's Crisis of European Sciences, and Heidegger's "The Thing" (attached as .pdf). Optional for those with great stamina would be Husserl's Philosophy and the Crisis of European Man (the Vienna Lecture).