Friday, February 19, 2010

Next meeting Monday 3/1: Media Effects and Sociological Approaches to New Media

What are media effects? Do the media influence our attitudes, opinions, and even actions? Or are we active agents who interpret media content on our own terms and based on our existing knowledge and cultural background? How do new media technologies intersect with media effects and with society, in general? Join Jen Schradie, PhD student in the Department of Sociology, to discuss these issues in the context of Elihu Katz's “Lazarsfeld’s Map of Media Effects” and the Preface to the 2010 edition of Manuel Castell’s The Rise of the Network Society.

Date: Monday, March 1st
Time: 2:30 - 4:00
Location: 4th floor conference room, Sutardja Dai Hall (CITRIS building)