Thursday, December 06, 2007

Writing New Media Syllabi, Part 1 -- Examples

One little task before you head off...

To kick off our syllabus-writing project, we'd like to collect some existing examples of new media syllabi, for humanities courses taught at the college or graduate level either here or at another institution.

So, in lieu of meeting in person before we leave for the semester break, please help us 'gather' here by posting (as a comment below) a syllabus or link to a syllabus for a general new media course.

You can interpret this however you find helpful; the goal is to provide a list of models that we can collectively use to take stock of what seems to be taught and how. Over the time from now until the new semester in January, please look at what everyone has posted, and begin to prepare your own new media syllabus. Try to think carefully about how to organize the reading, examples, units, and assignments. While the course will obviously be inflected by your background and interests, try to produce a syllabi that 'takes a stand,' offering a conceptual, historical, and disciplinary (or interdisciplinary) model for framing this elusive field.

We'll solicit your syllabi at the start of the new semester, and circulate them to the group. Our first meeting in January will be a discussion of these syllabi and the challenges of producing them.

Thank you for a fantastic semester...hope to see you all back for more in the Spring!

P.S. If you want to put a link in your comment, use an anchor tag so it will be clickable