Friday, May 01, 2009

5/7 Biophilosophy, Biopolitics, & the Viral

Discussion Leader: Zach Blas
Time: 1 - 2:30 PM
Location: BCNM Commons at Moffitt Library

At our final meeting on May 7 we'll take a gander at Eugene Thacker's essay "Biophilosophy for the 21st Century," in which he discusses how the interfacing of biology with computers has transformed the concept of life itself. To accompany this, we will also look at Thierry Bardini's "Hypervirus: A Clinical Report" to consider how the virus, as a central being/trope in our digital future, operates beyond the biological and computational into realms of the social, cultural, and political. Seems all too appropriate right now.

Reading selections and directions to the BCNM Commons are at