Please join the New Media Working Group THIS Friday, Nov. 16th, from 1-2:30pm in the Rhetoric Library (7337 Dwinelle Hall
We will be discussing two chapters in the anthology
New Media, Old Media: A History and Theory Reader edited by Wendy Chun and Thomas Keenan (Routledge, 2005): "Introduction: Did Somebody Say New Media?" by Wendy Chun and the essay "Dis/continuities: Does the Archive Become Metaphorical in Multi-Media Space?" by Wolfgang Ernst. Discussion will be led by John Lurz and Alenda Chang.
Hard copies of the chapters are available in the Rhetoric Library and in Brooke Belisle's mailbox in the Rhetoric/Film Studies office (7408 Dwinelle Hall). A pdf of the reading is also available for download (16MB) here: